How to Strengthen Your Core

You want a STRONG Core and pelvic floor...
You want to feel SUPPORTED- you want to feel physically like your Core will support you as you move, play and work.
And interestingly enough…you also find yourself craving more support around your house, with your family, in your career and life goals.
You want to feel in control of your bodily functions- no longer having to constantly think about your bladder, bowel, back, neck shoulders or muscles. They should just work so you can move, play and focus on things you love instead.
Usually when looking to become stronger and supported- we venture to the world of the physical: exercise, education, pelvic health, nutrition, supplements and beyond.
But what if that was never the singular root problem in the first place?
What if what you are feeling, core weakness and lack of support, is a matter of a disconnect in your entire system? Specifically between the pelvis, heart and mind?
What if you have been spending too much energy in a direction that doesn’t affect long term change?
What if regaining physical strength is only part of the issue?
Lack of strength is rooted in the mental state and belief systems from long ago.
It is a shadow of your past…how you feel about yourself (weak, not capable, not good enough) and how you feel others perceive you.
Lack of support physically is a manifestation of a feeling.
A feeling and trigger from your past that you are not worth supporting. That support is lacking, that no one is there consistently to support you- so you must rely on yourself…and that alone is terrifying all at the same time.
Being out of control (with your physical body and otherwise) is a manifestation of your root self believing you are out of control. That life is fundamentally unsafe and you must work to maintain control and order.
The mind is solution driven. We focus on creating a plan and that often keeps you in the physical realm of living. This is a survival method.
When the mind and body are reconnected, we access healing for the root causes of weakness, control struggles and lack of support. From this more pure, connected and whole embodied place- we THEN determine the most aligned actions to take.
Less time is wasted.
More productivity arises.
Clarity forms
Relationships, finances and careers blossom.
The aches, pains and dysfunctional physical self- softens and stops yelling at you.
You can focus on what you love, once again.
Your next step becomes crystal clear.
Love, Dr. Sara