Radical Acceptance

Welcome to my most intimate thinking space for going inward-my car! Dive into the lifestyle of radical acceptance with me today. I ask some potent questions and hope to open your core to this radical lifestyle that brings so much joy to the essence of your daily life. 

*Please note most all episodes are raw and unedited versions of being IN an actual car with me. Ready to ride?


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💎Grounded in Grace and Gratitude E-Book https://www.drsarasmith.com/grounded-grace-gratitude-ebook

💎Free Guided Meditations on my Website https://www.drsarasmith.com/meditations

💎Get your Free Pelvic Wisdom Meditation + Workbook https://www.drsarasmith.com/coreconfidencetechnique

👑👑Work with Me & Awaken your Core Wisdom 👑👑 A Private Mentorship https://www.drsarasmith.com/privatementorship